
Tuesday 18 April 2017

East Indian Company ( Company Rule )

In 1600, East Indian company was established by a Charter of queen Elizabeth of England by which some of the traders were allowed to trade with India.
The traders exploited the political unrest in the country and finally become the rulers.
Logo of East Indian Company

After the Battle of Plassey, the British East Indian Company became the Sovereign of Bengal.
After the Battle of Buxar, the company acquired the right to collect revenues of Bengal, Bihar and a part of Orissa.

These achievements question whether a trading company was entitled to acquire and rule a vast territory and whether the British parliament was not responsible for governing the territory acquired by the British company.

The Home Government was getting a share of € 4,00,000 every year from the company.

In spite of all prosperity of the company, the Director approached the Home Government for a loan of   1,000,000 in 1772.
So the Lord North, then the Prime minister of England appointed a Secret Committee.On recommendation of the committee, the loan was granted and the Regulating Act was Passed in 1773.


  • Designated Governor of Bengal as Governor general of Bengal.
  • Made Governor of Bombay and Madras presidencies subordinate to the Governor-general of Bengal. 
  • Establishment of Supreme court at Calcutta (1774) comprising one chief justice and three other judges.
  • Prohibited the servants of the company from engaging in private trade or accepting bribes from the natives.
  • British Govt control over the company by requiring the court of Directors to report on its ( revenue, civil, and Military affairs ) in India.


  • It allowed court of directors to manage the commercial affairs.
  • Board of Director to control the political affairs also empowered to supervise and direct all operation of civil, military govt or revenues of British possessions in India.


  • It made Governor general of Bengal to Governor general of India and vested him all civil and military powers.
  • Thus ,the act created for the first time ,a Government of India having authority  over the entire territorial area possessed by the British Government. 
  • It ended the activities of East Indian company as a commercial body, which became purely a administrative body.
  • It introduce a system of open competition for selection of civil servants, and stated that Indians should not be debarred from holding any place, office and employment under the company.


  • It separated, for the first time the legislative and executive functions of the governor-general's council.
  • Provided additional 6 new members called legislative councilors to the council.
  • Introduced open competition system for civil service to all including Indians.
  • It introduced for the first time, local representation in the Indian legislative council.
  • Of the six new legislative members of the governor general's council, four members were appointed by the local govt of Madras.

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